ES6 (ECMAScript 6) is a standard (version) of JavaScript. People tend to get confused with ES6 and ES2015, but they are literally the same thing. 🤷🏽♂️
With this new version comes new features and in this series, we’re going to cover some of the most important ones.
let and const are new variable declarations that allow you to write more secure code.
let variables are block scoped. This means that any let variable declared within a pair of { } is secured to that block.
let cannot be redeclared but it can be reassigned.
Take a look at the following example:
let underwaterAnimal = 🐋
if (true) {
let underwaterAnimal = 🐠
console.log(underwaterAnimal) // 🐋
Here, our variables have the same name, but both are scoped differently. Although we can reassign let, when we log out underwaterAnimal, we recieve the global reference 🐋 rather than the block reference 🐠.
However, we can reassign underwaterAnimal by doing the following:
let underwaterAnimal = 🐋
underwaterAnimal = 🐠
console.log(underwaterAnimal) // 🐠
const and let are essentially the same. The only difference is that const cannot be redeclared or reassiagned.
NOTE: The actual name “const” is slightly misleading as it isn’t a constant variable. There is only a constant reference to the value. I’ll touch on that in a moment though. Let’s take a quick look at the basis of const.
const farmAnimal = 🐓
farmAnimal = 🐤
// SyntaxError: redeclaration of const farmAnimal
I mentioned before that the name const is slightly misleading. Although you aren’t able to redeclare or reassign const, the value isn’t immutable (unchanging).
const car = {
// You can change a property:
car.color = "red";
console.log(car); // the color of the car is now red
Arrow functions are by far my favorite part about ES6. They are simply a more concise way to writting functions. Let’s look at a few of their key features:
Let’s lay out a regular function and then its arrow function equivalent.
// Regular function
function policeCar() {
//Arrow function
policeCar() => { console.log(🚓) }
//Arrow function / Function Expression
const policeCar = () => console.log(🚓)
Say we want to multiply the number of a parameter and use the shortest written form of an arrow function, we’d do the following:
const doubleNumber = (number) => { number *2 }
// Without parentheses and curly braces
const doubleNumber = number => number * 2
They key things to note here and I touched on them earlier, are:
To fully grasp the binding of the this keyword in arrow functions, we need to back up (you can take a moment and sigh and/or smash your keyboard) and understand what this is.
Any code written in JavaScript hangs out in the Global Execution Context. Before you type a single line of code, the Global Execution Context has done two things:
If you’re already confused, don’t worry about it. Head over to your browser, open up a new tab, then open the “inspect element” tool. Type the following into the console:
console.log(this) // You'll see the window object appear.
Now that we know the this keyword isn’t some mystery word we throw around, let’s quickly define what it does and how to read it when we see it.
const 🍔 = {
extraTopping: 'bacon',
showTopping: function() {
🍔.showTopping() // 'bacon' is logged
In the example above, we have a hamburger object with a showTopping method. When we call this method (methods are just functions that belong to an object), the this keyword looks to the object it’s being invoked upon (🍔 object).
If we go deeper and add a function to our method and try to access this let’s see what we get.
const 🍔 = {
extraTopping: 'bacon',
sides: ['fries', 'onion rings'],
showTopping: function() {
this.sides.forEach(function(side) {
console.log(this.extraTopping + " and " + side);
// undefined and fries
// undefined and onion rings
We get undefined because when this is called on a stand-alone function or another method of an object, it will always refer to the global window object.
NOTE : We see undefined rather than the window object because when strict mode is enabled in JavaScript, the global object is referenced to undefined instead of the window object.
To get around this issue, you either had to call a variable outside of the methods inner function and set it to this. Or, you’d have to use bind on the method. We’ve come upon simpler times, so there’s no need for all of that. 🙏🏼
const 🍔 = {
extraTopping: 'bacon',
sides: ['fries', 'onion rings'],
showTopping: function() {
this.sides.forEach( side => {
console.log(this.extraTopping + " and " + side);
// bacon and fries
// bacon and onion rings
How does this work? Remember the set of listed rules I touched on about the features of arrow functions? The last one where I failed miserably at being funny was: No need to bind “this” keyword.
Arrow functions DO NOT have it’s own this. MDN explains it fairly well:
An arrow function does not have its own this; the this value of the enclosing lexical context is used i.e. Arrow functions follow the normal variable lookup rules. So while searching for this which is not present in current scope they end up finding this from its enclosing scope.
So essentially, because we used an arrow function, the this keyword attached to extraTopping looks one step up to its parent scope and grabs the value of this from showTopping, which is the hamburger object.